
The League of Women Voters hosted a candidate forum on Feb 2 in the City Hall Chambers to allow residents to meet their candidates and learn about their views and about the proposed parcel tax in support of the fire services. The Malaga Cove Homeowners and Lunada Bay Homeowners Associations were granted permission to video record the proceedings by the LWV, and we have made them available here for interested[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: The City Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the investment of City’s funds, in accordance with State law and the Investment Policy. My 10 years on the City Council including a term as Mayor have given me a solid understanding of the Treasurer’s duties and responsibilities. Now that my term on the City Council is ending, I hope to continue the exemplary work of retiring City Treasurer and former[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: Age: 69 Occupation: Businessman Our City needs help. I have the background, experience, education, and knowledge necessary to oversee the City’s investments, as Treasurer, and I will REPORT to YOU, the voters, on the City’s USES of those funds! Background: We moved to PVE in 1979 to begin our family: a daughter and son. Both went to PV public Schools, graduated college, live in PV. Partial Biography[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: My name is Victoria Lozzi and I am running for City Treasurer. I am passionate about banking and finance, and feel that I have the experience to add value to our city. With 28 years of corporate banking experience, the last sixteen of which working with government, higher education and nonprofit clients, I have worked with various organizations to finance projects, establish efficient and cost effective banking[…]

  On March 7, there will be a Consolidated Municipal and Special Election, during which PVE will elect two city council members, a treasurer, and decide on the Fire Parcel Tax called Measure D. In an effort to keep residents up to date on the issues, the Lunada Bay Homeowners Association (LBHOA) and the Malaga Cove Homeowners Association (MCHA) are cooperating to provide information to our residents. Please note that[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: Age: 45 Occupation: Attorney/Planning Commissioner/Community Volunteer Today, as much as ever, our City needs strong and experienced leaders – guardians of the public trust whose function is to act fairly and honestly in the best interests of our City and its residents. As a community leader representing our City’s past, present, and future, I respectfully ask for your vote on March 7, 2017. I understand our City’s[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: Occupation: Incumbent Commitment to the residents of Palos Verdes Estates: Our city offers a unique environment for our residents and I am a strong supporter of preserving and protecting the quality of life that we enjoy. I am committed to fiscal responsibility, safety for our residents and local control of our city. My experience as a member of the City Council for the past twelve years demonstrates[…]

Official Candidate’s Statement: Occupation: Physician Education: Bachelor of Arts, New York University; MD, State University of New York, Buffalo Fellow American College of Surgeons U.S. Public Health Service Veteran Years in Palos Verdes Estates: 40 Family: Wife Joan, former PVPUSD School Board member Three children PVPUSD graduates COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Trustee Palos Verdes Library District Physician serving Palos Verdes Estates residents Coach AYSO, PVBA, PV Softball Chair UCLA Medical School Admissions[…]

SUPPORT OUR FIRE & PARAMEDIC SERVICES Fire and paramedic protection in Palos Verdes Estates needs your “YES” vote at the March 7 election. Fire and paramedic services both are now paid for with a Parcel Tax that was approvedby 87% of the City’s voters in 2001 ard 2007. Authorization for this tax expires on June 30,2017. The PVE City Council appointed a Fire and Paramedic Funding Citizens Committee to explore financing[…]

Please note:  If you are not familiar with the PVHA issues, and don’t have time to study the issues, the LBHOA recommends that you simply return your ballot without marking any selection.  That way, your vote of “No Preference” will count towards a quorum. Our friends at the Malaga Cove Homeowners Association have provided us with Personal Statements received from the candidates.  For Bios and Personal Statements from the candidates,[…]